Fräulein Rose takes silly quizzes online!

Witness the results:


I am feta!

I'm a White's Tree Frog!

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?


Take the anime accessory quiz

What Genre Of Manga Are You?

What Dere Type Are You?


wet beast

Big Fuckin Boulder

Which Phoenix Wright Character Are You?

What Eevee Evolution Are You?


This weird internet quiz said I'm British!



What Flavour Are You? I taste a bit like Almonds.

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Crown.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Pacman.

Which Junji Ito Character Are You?

I'm the limerick, mired in muck.
I refuse to be bored or get stuck.
   I like to offend,
   But not, in the end,
As much as to thwart expectations.
What Poetry Form Are You?

What Kirby Hat Do You Wear?

Which PPG are you?

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