


HIIII EVERYONE!!! my name is CHARLIZE JULIET SUPERGABBER KHARYBDIS RIGEL SPITFIRE and i know that one of those middle names is not like the others, but i am very cute so it is allowed!! well, i may add more names to my full name for fun and profit... every time i come up with names, they sound like if warrior cats were in the military, so the fact that i am not named pipebomb bullethell pistolwhip is an awesome show of self-restraint :3

moving on from that, many nicknames can be formed from my first name, don't you think? as such, you can call me CHARLIE or LIZZIE or anything else you like as long as you are being nice!!! of course, feel free to just call me CHARLIZE!

i love cats!!!!! i'm a catgirlboy!!! this means that i have cat ears and a tail, and sharp nails and teeth! that's not all, though - i am also a devil with a star for a heart, and have devil horns and a second tail :0 !!! those are both white but glow with a red light, and the devil tail wraps around the cat tail. the energy of the star burns through me, and the ends of my arms and legs are red and crackling with lightning fire!! the whole devil thing is a little new still (11th april 2024) but i am so happy to feel more like myself!!!!

here is a picture of what i look like!!

despite being a kitty and a devil, i am human as well. all three of those identities matter to me very much!!!

i also love pink things and cute stuff and being very adorable and sweet! i have a lot of fashion styles i like, but if i could, i'd at least try to dabble in sweet lolita! and also i want to dress like a rivethead but that's not the point of this paragraph. the point is that things with ruffles and frills and hearts and baby animals make me happy!!

i also really like GUNS AND EXPLOSIONS!!!!!! and weapons of all sorts!! i don't know a lot about them in real life, but i really like them and wield quite a few in the brain. it's stimmy and fun and thrilling and i like to assert dominance over jáščer by using him as target practice. (we love each other a lot)

so basically, this is me???

anywayyyy the system page says i use he/she pronouns and i'd like elaborate on that! that's because i'm a boy and a girl at the same time, so please switch them up if you can! you can also add cat-themed neopronouns to the mix (stuff like purr.. and meow... idk!!) because i am a cat too!! in a gender way!! if i had to explain it, it's like my male and female identities are sifted through the cat identity when you perceive them? which makes me a catboy and a catgirl! but you don't have to understand it, don't worry!!!

i'm bisexual and quite sexual in general, and i'd like to take a moment to talk about my history with sexuality... it's a bit serious but i just want people to understand me a little better, because i've been through a lot, but also am so proud of my recovery!

so, trauma is a thing, huh! in the past, i was very hurt. i was also very reckless and attention-seeking, and people took advantage of that. i ended up completely hating everything that made me unique, and after wanting all the attention in the world, i started wanting to disappear. but i managed to overcome that and become the person i am today!! a person who embodies righteousness, both in joy and anger! again, this paragraph isn't to make you feel sorry for me at all, it's to share my UTMOST PRIDE IN MY HEALING!!

i used to be very scared of being in a relationship, because i thought nobody would be able to treat me right, but i am taken by a wonderful girl named ACIL!! she is my girlfriend and i love her so much!!! i know she will always treat me exactly the way i like, exactly the way that makes me safe and happy! because she loves me too!! and i trust her with my whole heart!! she's the best girlfriend ever!!!

i am also dating acil's alter, CAVI!!! she is a kitty just like me and she is very cute and sweet and i love her!!! she is so kind and funny and i am so happy to be with her!! i want to be happy with acil and cavi forever!!!

IF THIS IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU... i have system girlfriends :) they are J and EFIR and they are the diabolical duo. and i love them both!!!!!!!!!

at this point, you might be thinking... what does charlize do all day though? it is simple: i like to have fun!! i don't think i'm very good at academic stuff, and my poetry always comes out really heavy, but i do like to draw (i usually draw ME or MY FURSONA)!! and listen to music, and talk to all our friends, and enjoy my sexuality, and explore outside!! i have a very short attention span but i'm determined to have a good time every time i'm here!! because i love being happy and i love making other people happy too!!

the music i like is best categorised not by genre but by colour. i don't think this is mentioned anywhere else on the site, but we have mild synaesthesia in the form of having super strong colour associations with most things. and so, the music i like is HOT SHOCKING PINK!!! if you want to get a sense of it, there's one thing you can do!!


here are my feelings on a certain speedcore artist, though:

you probably have a good idea of what i'm like by now, but i bet you want to see a ton of SILLY QUIZ RESULTS :3c :3c :3c

well, here they r!!!!

Fairy Ghost

I'm a Pixie Frog!

I am a Charizard!

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?


Take the anime accessory quiz

What Genre Of Manga Are You?

What Dere Type Are You?

a how to draw manga book


This weird internet quiz said I'm a pirate!

What Eevee Evolution Are You?



fur and teeth

Big Fuckin Boulder

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Beef.

Ottava rima? Me? That can't be right!
   Too frivolous? But tut, there's no such thing!
Let others ponder thoughts of wrong and right,
   Or sit and think how much they love the spring;
I'd rather spend my time in gleeful spite,
   Or maybe laugh, or maybe sit and sing.
Besides, it might be fun to be inspiring -
But surely it would get so very tiring.
What Poetry Form Are You?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Ten-gallon Hat.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Defender-ship.

the way jáščer describes me to people who haven't met me is "one of those cutesy anime girls who actually has a giant hammer and will clobber you at every given opportunity because she's some kind of tsundere/deredere abomination (and loves violence)". well, i think it's accurate!! but that doesn't mean i'm not friendly. i love making friends, and i think i am very loyal to the ones i have already!! so i hope that after reading all this, you want to be my friend!!!

byebye!! my fursona says bye too!!