a reprieve among ghosts.

these shades are old friends...

hello, my name is constance. i also go by the nickname "shades".

for a while, i went exclusively by shades because i didn't like my "real" name, but then i realised i could just change it. so, here we are.

some lore about my nickname is that long ago, when manyface first began to understand that what we were experiencing was called "being a system", i grew attached to a pair of sunglasses that we owned. i just liked wearing them, and would wear them every time i fronted, even at night. i guess i was just cool like that.

i have an appreciation for art, literature, and philosophy. i don't experience emotions to a particularly intense degree, but i find plenty of things agreeable and interesting. i also have a profound fondness for ghosts and melancholy, introspective things.

i think some defining personality traits i have are that i am serious, polite, and reserved. it's a little funny to me that this is what my identity ended up as. this is mentioned in the system about page, but i will say it outright here too: i am the earliest alter we remember having, or at least the first alter we recognised as "someone else". we suspect that therry may have come before me, but it's not entirely clear. what i am trying to say with this is that my identity has been shaped and reshaped over the many years i have been alive, to the point where it feels hazy and confuses me.

as such, i am not here often, and don't get to interact with many people. it is a bit lonely that way, but i try not to let it get to me.

i am slowly working on making fronting and being alive feel "right" again. it's hard to figure out what exactly i like to do when i am so often away, but filling out the favourites section in the sidebar made me realise that there is more to what makes me "me" than i think. so maybe i have less reason to avoid making myself known, because i am actually interesting and unique! that is a nice thought.

i like nature, i like being alive, i like being out in the night, and i like listening to music. the kind of music i like is sometimes cheesy, but it brings me joy.

listen to my playlist, if you like!

gender and sexuality-wise, i am a nonbinary and genderqueer lesbian. i am very sure of the nonbinary and genderqueer identities, but not entirely sure if i am really truly a lesbian, because i personally have never been in a relationship. i don't have any plans to be in one, or any desire, really - so i might also be on the aroace spectrum. i just think women are nice and beautiful and cool! my pronouns are they, he, she, and it.

in headspace, i look pretty boring. i look like the body but with hair a richer brown colour and slightly longer, and purple eyes. and sunglasses, of course!

here is a picture i just drew of what i look like:

even though it is quite simple, i am proud of it because i feel like it actually represents me.

i have a sizable collection of quiz results right here. feel free to scroll through them at your leisure.


I'm a Surinam Toad!

I am a Poochyena!

I am brie!

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?

mossy guy




What Eevee Evolution Are You?

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?


Take the anime accessory quiz

What Genre Of Manga Are You?


This weird internet quiz said I'm British!


i am not sure there is much more to say, so i will leave you with a request: next time you are able to, take a few deep breaths of cool night air and really try to feel how you exist in the universe. thank you.