a little bird hops up to you...

with a quiz result in her beak!

distracted by the first little bird's quiz result, you find yourself surrounded by a veritable flock of little birds, all carrying quiz results... these are definitely therry's quiz results. there's no doubt about it!


I am a Togetic!

I'm a Spring Peeper!

I am chevres!

What Eevee Evolution Are You?


What Genre Of Manga Are You?

Take the anime accessory quiz


This weird internet quiz said I'm a pirate!

Which Madoka Magica Girl Are You?

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?

What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?



creature of the woods

smoothe river rock

Which Phoenix Wright Character Are You?

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am, of course, none other than blank verse.
I don't know where I'm going, yes, quite right;
And when I get there (if I ever do)
I might not recognise it. So? Your point?
Why should I have a destination set?
I'm relatively happy as I am,
And wouldn't want to be forever aimed
Towards some future path or special goal.
It's not to do with laziness, as such.
It's just that one the whole I'd rather not
Be bothered - so I drift contentedly;
An underrated way of life, I find.
What Poetry Form Are You?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Crash Helmet.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario.

What Kirby Hat Do You Wear?

Which PPG are you?

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