
many questions

and many answers!

sep 9th 2024

hello hello hello! you already know who it is... i'm lizard. i'm jáščer! and this particular q&a is in honour of our birthday, which was almost a week ago, on the 3rd of september. we turned 25! (well, the ones who age properly did...)

anyway, let's go!

do you have a favourite type of weather? (from velvetblue)

in general, we tend to like weather that is easy to go outside in! so, anything from overcast to sunny! the best kind is probably sunny with clouds, because then, the sky is super beautiful. although, sunshowers are totally magical and so interesting. i guess, the best weather is right after it's stopped sunshowering. that's rainbow weather! also, we like late spring and early autumn temperatures best: cool or warm but not cold or hot.

congratulations on your birthday. how are you planning to celebrate your birthday? (from asterion)

thank you so much! well, it already passed, so i'll tell you what we did!

firstly, our best friend, hershel, was visiting for a few days around and including the 3rd of september. that was a celebration in itself, to be honest! on the night of the 2nd, we baked cookies (instead of a cake) and so the 3rd opened with us having some cookies and playing games before going to sleep.

on the actual day of the 3rd, we went to two art galleries in the city centre, and then went to the photography group we go to every tuesday. we arrived early because i wanted to buy a lens at the camera shop nearby, which i did! i also got a tripod!

then, during the photography group, we made badges! here are the ones i made (excluding one i didn't like as much).

though, i didn't draw the hot lizard lady headshot. hershel did that. they're AMAZING at character art!

we took photos too... it is a photography group, after all.

well, after that, we went and had hotpot, which was absolutely delicious and a real experience. i had this mushroom broth that tasted so wonderful. my favourite ingredient was the meatballs. after dinner, we chilled in my room. hershel played blasphemous while i called acil (my girlfriend). it was such a good day!

but that's not all. on the 4th, hershel and i made a painting together! it was a painting about celebrating life in all its impossibilities, about joy that defies logic. the name of the painting is miracle sky. as it dried, the colours deepened, but here it is right after we finished it!

what's an unusual hobby that you enjoy? (from makoenergy)

hmm, we haven't done it in a long time, but does learning conlangs count? we don't tend to be interested in natlangs, just conlangs.

what's your favourite fact about the world? anything (from symphony)

this is really cheesy, but i think my favourite thing about the world is that people can love each other and make art. i don't know how to pick a favourite specific thing, because the world is so big and full of wondrous things! i'm so glad that i'm a part of it.

would you face against a bunch of horse sized ducks or a bunch of duck sized horses? (from velvet-boutique)

the duck-sized horses, for sure. if the ducks are numerous AND horse-sized, then i'd have the hardest time fighting them. and even if there was only one of them, i'd still pick the duck-sized horses, because horses are frail despite their strength. horses are brittle. unlike ducks, which are much more rotund and jiggly.

what is your favorite piece of media that you think everyone needs to experience someday? (from flowerinbinary)

most of the media i enjoy is books and manga, so i think that everyone should read earthlings by sayaka murata (book) and river's edge by kyoko okazaki (manga). those are my favourites (well, actually, my favourite book is life ceremony by murata, but earthlings has a more profound impact i feel), but they're super triggering in different ways. if you need more information about what to expect, feel free to ask me!

otherwise, it's this song: juanita 2022 by underworld. please listen to this song! it's so beautiful and i hope it resonates with you.

what's your favourite and least favourite fruit? (from hershel)

my girlfriend is my favourite fruit! okay, well, my favourite has got to be peach or mango, and as for the least favourite... persimmon? yeah.

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck? (from acil)

over 9000!

what would you grow in your ideal garden? (from acil)

all our favourite flowers and trees! so, there'd be an ash tree and a willow tree somewhere. and there'd be roses, lots of them! and sunflowers, daffodils, crocosmias, dandelions, forget-me-nots, lilacs, rosehips, irises, bluebells, and lilies! that's a lot of flowers! but they're all very beautiful.

that's all, folks! thanks for reading :) have a beautiful day/night!

may 19th 2024

hi everyone! to nobody's surprise, it's jáščer posting. well, efir is kinda here too, but we decided that i'd be the one to make the post. anyway, this is gonna be a q&a thingy! we're using a follower/view count milestone as an excuse to do this - even though the game of "number go up" is a mindset we don't care to foster, we hit 125 followers and 55555+ views at pretty much the same time. and i LOVE multiples of 5. and i've always wanted to do a q&a because they just looked fun, so here we are!

without further ado, here are the questions - and the answers!

what's everyone's favourite colours? (from owthehedge)

jáščer's favourite is a vibrant cool green!
while efir will go for rich deep burgundy.
therry likes a sort of clear, clean periwinkle best.
and charlize's favourite is shocking hot pink!
shades prefers dark grayish purple.
4's favourite is a light acidic green.
and alex enjoys a rich brick orange.

what inspires yalls art? (from caesthoffe)

that's a difficult question, because we make SO MUCH art, and so many different kinds. so i'll talk about a few different kinds we make often.

in our poetry, there are prevalent themes of trauma and recovery, and we have described a lot of it as a sort of mythologised lived experience. showing our lives off as the beautiful, dazzling things that they are - as clear and brilliant as they seem to us. there's a desire for connection there, longing to bridge the gap between the writer and the audience. inspiration to write usually hits when we experience strong emotions or when we think of lines that would be good in a poem. the latter happens pretty randomly. we keep a list of writing ideas, and it has some that we haven't gotten to for over a year, but the emotion is still strong and there. we'll get to them all eventually.

prose is very similar to the above - it's usually stuff that's just too long to be poetry. unless it's porn, which we don't write frequently, but it does happen.

with abstract art, we want to express "universal" emotions and ideas in a way that will be raw and resonant for anyone looking at it. which is a lofty goal, but we feel that that is one of the real strengths of abstract art: without a representation to hide behind, all the feelings are laid bare. the topics are mostly the same as the poetry: responses to interesting things happening, or ones that have happened that we still need to process. we also really like painting lurid abstracted landscapes: something about the earth reflecting our feelings is profoundly grounding.

with non-abstract art, it's usually just things that we think look cool... an idea we desperately want to execute is a psychedelic study of the blue dragon nudibranch. if it's not stuff that looks cool, it's usually just pictures of ourselves. charlize likes drawing his fursona a lot, using it as a vehicle for her emotions. we are occasionally inspired by fictional characters too. but honestly, we make lots more abstracted art than non-abstract stuff.

with photography, we mainly take pictures of landscapes and nature. we like to represent the earth as we see it through our eyes. it's more about the experience than the result - we feel mindful and aware of our surroundings when behind a camera. still, we want to branch out more into different kinds of photography... but i think that the inspiration that drives us, the idea of capturing a moment and making everyone see how precious it is, that will stay the same.

how long have you been writing? (from squidcrusher)

we have been "good at writing" since we can remember, but we first started taking it seriously when we moved to the uk. the move was a few days before the body's 11th birthday, but the poetry started the following winter after our school had a very fun poetry unit. we made personalised poetry journals, and the teachers really reinforced the idea that poetry was a personal thing with no rules. so, we started writing. we wrote to cope with the move, and the emergence of who we thought was our first alter (it was shades, but also i don't remember how we felt at the time - probably that something very special and profound was happening, because her presence was helpful and healing and empowering), and also just to put noble childish fantasies on the page.

since then, we've always taken writing seriously - by the age of 12, we had "dedicated our lives to poetry" (in our words), and the feeling is true to this day. when we had a serious mental breakdown at 14-15, the writing stopped coming so easily, but it's always been a part of us, and always will be. i'd say that we really reconnected with the discipline in early 2021 - that was to cope with estranging ourselves from our parents, and the death of our old host. maybe the river will dry up again in the future, but right now it courses through our veins. it will always flow.

how old is your guys' website? (from hammerheader)

well, i actually made it on the 29th of january, 2023, but it was only in late november 2023 that efir decided to actually start working on it and adding pages that weren't... the index and the system about. we really should learn more about coding, because we've been using the same layout since i made it (thank you sadgrl!). but we need to keep it mobile-accessible, and we're more into sharing our lives than the actual nitty gritty code stuff... lol this is just me musing and getting off topic!

what three items would you all bring to a deserted island? (from raum)

our goal is to survive on the island for as long as possible, and/or somehow get off the island. we will probably be entertained by the nature and will be able to make art out of natural materials, so it wouldn't be useful to take art stuff.

so, we need a way to get food, and some shelter, and a way to make fire. so i guess we'll take an extra sharp machete, a tent, and a blowtorch built to hold a lot of fuel. that is, if we are staying on the island for the foreseeable future.

if we are looking to get off the island, then we will take a really famous painting like the mona lisa, some kind of device that shows our global position, and the crown of the king of england. that will ensure that someone shows up to get the items back, so we can get them to take us off the island. so there you have it!

what are you guys' favourite beverages? (from our best friend hershel, who doesn't have a website)

i (jáščer) like any kind of iced tea ever, but right now, i will order a apple green tea with mango popping pearls at our favourite bubble tea place. however, i am extremely partial to just a plain old lipton peach.

efir likes rose-flavoured things. like a rose falooda, or a rose milk tea with a topping of yogurt popping pearls or tapioca pearls. efir also likes to drink blood, but that does not count as a beverage. well, to be honest, i like blood too. but again, not a beverage.

shades will reluctantly choose a taro milk tea with brown sugar tapioca pearls. charlize will enthusiastically choose the sweetest strawberry drink available, whether it is a bubble tea or a milkshake. charlize will drink anything pink and sweet and enjoy it immensely.

4 and therry would always prefer going for water, and alex doesn't front often enough for us to know. but something in me says he likes brown sugar milk tea.

overall, we really like cold sweet tea-based drinks. but the flavours vary.

if everyone in your system except therry had a chess tournament where no one cheats and everyone does 3 games against everyone else, who would have the most wins by the end of it and who would have the least? (from acil, who is jáščer's and charlize's girlfriend, and websiteless)

good on you to exclude therry, because she would totally win against everyone, and also someone needs to be the ref to ensure we play fairly and don't employ silly tactics against each other. anyway, let's do the math.

jáščer vs. efir: 1 win for jáščer, 2 wins for efir. we are evenly matched, but i would become distracted by its beauty and lose.
jáščer vs. charlize: 3 wins for jáščer, but i will get shot about it.
jáščer vs. shades: 2 wins for jáščer, 1 win for shades. i think she's smarter than me, but also much less aggressive and competitive.
jáščer vs. 4: 3 wins for 4. they are literally a computer. i don't stand a chance.
jáščer vs. alex: 3 wins for jáščer. alex is 10.
efir vs. charlize: 3 wins for efir, but it will get shot about it.
efir vs. shades: 2 wins for efir, 1 win for shades. efir is cruel and cunning, and shades doesn't give enough of a shit.
efir vs. 4: 1 win for efir, 2 wins for 4. efir would figure out a way to beat 4.
efir vs. alex: 2 wins for efir, 1 win for alex. somehow, alex would do something incredibly stupid that would catch efir off guard and also efir wouldn't be mean to a 10 year old.
charlize vs. shades: 1 win for charlize, 2 wins for shades. it would be 3 wins for shades, but charlize would threaten them with a gun.
charlize vs. 4: 3 wins for 4. not even funny.
charlize vs. alex: 2 wins for charlize, 1 win for alex. i don't think either of them know how to play chess, but charlize is an adult.
shades vs. 4: 1 win for shades, 2 wins for 4. same as efir vs. 4.
shades vs. alex: 3 wins for shades. somehow, alex would not be upset about this, because shades is very nice.
4 vs. alex: 3 wins for 4. this child is being absolutely WALKED.

in conclusion, 4 would kill us all, and the 10 year old child would have a hard time keeping up with everyone except for charlize, who would employ military tactics to win against shades.

well, those are all the questions!! hope you had fun reading all this. it was very silly and we'll probably do this again sometime.