
the pieces of the puzzle are waiting...

welcome to manyface world!

manyface is a system hosted by jáščer, who is a big lizard who loves going into the sound. our body is 25 and we're white russian people who live in the uk. we are various flavours of gay and trans, and we are also autistic. it's good to meet you!

the purpose of this website is to be a comfortable place to express ourselves as a whole and as individuals. also, it's so cool and important to have a place to show off our artistic pursuits without the pressures of social media. there's a lot of freedom in a website like this, and honestly, we're just having fun!

we love creativity and think that it is important to create! making cool stuff is one of the big meanings of life, and so we have a variety of artistic passions. we write (mostly poetry, which we perform at open mic nights) and make all kinds of visual art! we'll try anything, but our favourite medium is acrylic on canvas, and our favourite subject matter is abstract. we also take photos, usually of landscapes and nature.

we have a lot of other hobbies and interests! here is a list: reading, listening to music, keeping a diary, conlangs, ocs, religious studies, embroidery and other crafts, nature, jewellery, and making this website! as for our media tastes - they tend to veer towards horror, sci-fi, and fiction that is symbolic and strange. we like things that explore what it means to be human.

we have a bachelors in mathematics! topics that interest us are topology, group theory, and number theory. maybe someday we'll pursue even further education, but for now we are pursuing a career in poetry and art! we're in the early stages of self-employment, and it's a bit tough... but we believe we'll make it! one thing motivating us is that we'll be able to have a pet lizard once we have career stability!

fun fact: the reason we are called manyface is because it is a direct translation of "polyhedron" from the ancient greek. it is definitely a reference to us being multiple, but it is also a reference to what got us into maths when our body was just 6 years old!

note: this website was made in firefox. it is best viewed with 1920 x 1080 resolution, but it is responsive on mobile and works perfectly fine there! (some header images look bad on mobile though...)

thank you for reading, and have a great day!

random manyface facts!

click the button above for a random fact about us :)

future site plans..!

  • shrines (malachite maid, silat movies, lizards etc)
  • theme switcher between main manyface theme and alter themes
  • more quizzes
  • respond to older muse ariadne prompts
  • add pins to collections page
  • draw manyfacebot for not_found page
  • quotes generator
  • silly gallery
  • join more pixel clubs
  • webgarden
  • oc section